
Thursday, October 7, 2010

IDVC-42% in 2 Days-$3 Target Within Weeks-Buy under$1!

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The Military Construction Boom Gets a $77.3 Billion Boost

 and Your $5,000 Zooms to $37,500

BUY Infrastructure Developments Corp (IDVC)

Dear Profit Seeker,

IDVC is an engineering and construction services company that looks to pop 450% to 500% virtually overnight...

 If you look at the 2-days charts you will see a 42% increase just in 2 Days! Wow!

 Act fast on the moneymaking information in this report because IDVC looks to pop 450% to 500% virtually overnight...

 ... then it could give you a hefty second surge when word gets out... because...

 This multi-billion dollar boom is still a secret!

There's a multi-billion-dollar boom in military construction going on and it remains a secret, which is why you've never even heard of Infrastructure Developments Corp. 

And IDVC business is booming!

Understand a "small" project in the military construction sector is still huge.  The work IDVC has already done for the military include:

  • Building barracks and training facilities,
  • Renovating medical and dining facilities,
  • Installing new electrical distribution systems,
  • Constructing and new water storage facilities,
  • Building new access roads and heliports
  • Installing and testing bullet-proof and anti-ricochet materials and system

Most military construction jobs are under $10 million

And small-job money is spent fast.  In fact, out of its 2011 budget, the DOD plans to spend money as quickly as possible in the following areas:

  • $4.2 billion to improve, repair, and modernize DOD facilities, including energy-related improvements
  • $1.3 billion for military hospital construction
  • $240 million in military construction for child development centers
  • $100 million in military construction for warrior transition complexes
  • $535 million for other military construction projects, including housing for troops and their families, energy conservation, and National Guard facilities
Fastest, safest 450% profit you'll ever see
Put IDVC in your portfolio and you can stop worrying about events that rattle markets. 
Depressing housing reports, unemployment data, devastating oil spoils... forget all that.  Military construction is a world of is own.
And Infrastructure Developments knows this world.  Let nothing keep you from this rare and quite spectacular moneymaking opportunity.  If you do, you'll be kicking yourself in pants for months.
Buy IDVC today, under $1!
Act now because share price is set to jump to its 52-week high of $3 within a few weeks.  As I write, a basic $10,000 investment gives you about 17,000 shares. 
Hold those shares for 15 days or so and you could, in that short time, have $40,000 you don't have now.

Take your $40,000 and spend it any way you wish.  Or hold on for the second surge and collect $68,000... all from your initial $10,000 investment.

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RXAС: Increased focus on China will be translated into piles of gold

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RXAС focus on China means Piles of Gold


Dear fellow investor,

Resource Exchange of America Corporation (RXAС) continues to be on my BUY list as there is still a huge, unmet potential in their stock – there is a lot of profit to be made for the clever investor while the stock in RXAС climb towards its target price of $3.20.

Just last week, RXAС announced a Joint Venture with LT Trading – a JV, which shows RXAС will increase its focus on the Chinese market. That bodes well for the investors in RXAС, as the Chinese market is the 'locomotive of steel' at the moment. In China – and India, for that matter - steel is in high demand and can command high prices – as high as $475 per MT. That is significantly higher than in the US.

RXAС can procure its steel at significantly lower rates in the US, transport the steel at reasonable rates through its joint venture partner Sea Lion and sell it through the new contacts that Louisa Tsang of LT Trading Group are going to set up within the next couple of months. LT Trading Group has a long history of setting up successful partnerships between companies in the US and in China. RXAС having direct access to the Chinese steel market is a new and very big revenue stream for RXAС. And you know how new revenue streams are an investor's best friend...

RXAС have worked together with LT Trading before, so they already know there's a match – this time, however, their working relationship is formalized and can bring significantly better returns for RXAС.

It's a good time to be in the recycling business, as governments push for environmentally friendly technologies and sustainable industrial alternatives. This demand means RXAС should experience strong growth for the foreseeable future.

RXAС's strategy of vertical integration, their new JV with LT Trading, and their increased focus on China and the Far East tells me that their true potential will soon be realized. A potential that will skyrocket their stock into the stratosphere.


The fair market value of RXAС will be $3.20 per share – almost SIX times its presently traded value!

In short – invest $1,000 today, and see that grow to $6,000!

Invest $3,000 today, and see your port grow to $18,000!

Or invest $10,000 today, and see your fortune EXPLODE to $60,000!


Do your due diligence and get ready to follow this stock through the stratosphere!

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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

RХAС: Buffett and Gates See Gold in Recycling

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Buffett and Gates See Gold in Scrap Metal


Good evening!

The two richest men on the planet have increased their holdings in the recycling business with more than 100 trades combined over the past 3 years, and they have amassed more than 66 million shares in Republic Services (NYSE: RSG), a recycling and waste management company. At a price per share at $31, that's an investment of a whopping $ 2 billion!

A share price of $31 isn't exactly a penny stock, so what has this got to do with your portfolio? I'll tell you in a second:

Because I have to give you another little piece of information: In addition to Gates' holdings of $1.7 billion in Republic Services, he owns stock worth more than $500 million in another recycling company, Waste Management (NYSE: WM), which trades at around $36 at the moment.

Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are the two wealthiest men in the world, and they are known for only investing in the future moneymakers. So clearly, Buffett and Gates have identified waste and recycling to be among the true moneymakers of this decade. I am fully confident even if you were just to follow their lead, recycling stocks could be a big winner in your portfolio.

But still, neither of these stocks are penny stocks, I hear you say. And yes, both of these stocks are outside our normal focus. They are way too expensive, and why would you want to invest in shares that have fluctuated around the exact same (high) price point for the past ten months, giving little gains to the trading investor?

Sure, you could buy Republic Services Group (RSG) for about $31 a share and see meager 5-10% gains over the next years. Now that Buffett and Gates have got the lion's share of the stock, I expect little growth in shares prices there.

Or you could go buy shares in Resource Exchange of America Corporation (RXAC), another recycling company that you can buy for just $0.59 and watch it go up 600% within just a few months.

Now, who's Resource Exchange of America Corporation (RXAC)? Well, for starters, I believe RXAC is a new Republic Services in the making - a recycling powerhouse that is ramping up its business to jump right into the big-league within the next few years.

Their revenues are set to grow 1,200% in the next five years, and their profits are projected to increase 950%! Those numbers will put RXAC on the radar of the two moneymaking moguls Buffett and Gates. With growth rates like that, you can be certain Buffett and Gates will want a piece of the pie. And if you have a nice piece of that pie, you are straight on the road to riches!

In the past six months, RXAC have been making several joint ventures with asset recovery companies, recyclers, scrap yards and sellers of scrap metal. And just this week, they signed a contract with LT Trading to expand their position on the Chinese market. I tell you, they are on a tear.

Imagine what would happen if Buffett or Gates start buying shares in RXAC? The stock will not only go up (which I believe it would do anyhow), it would EXPLODE through the roof!

Expect trades at in excess of $3 in only a few months – that's a 600% increase!


So get in while you can, before Buffett and Gates gets their eyes on RXAC!

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IDVC: +43% in two days

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IDVC: +43% in two days

The Military Construction Boom
Gets a $77.3 Billion Boost
and Your $5,000 Zooms to $37,500

IDVC stock is +43% in just two days! Yesterday I sent you my "I told you so". Today, I am going to do the same - and the reason is just that: it's yet another green day for IDVC. Do the due diligence and get jump on the train already.

Dear Profit Seeker,

Infrastructure Developments Corp is an engineering and construction services company that looks to pop 450% to 500% virtually overnight...

... then you could see a hefty second surge when word gets out.


Military construction is booming!


• $77.3 billion for military construction - just approved by the House

• That's on top of the $5.9 billion military construction got from the 2009 stimulus bill

• Congressman Chet Edwards (D-Texas) says this is the biggest military construction boom in 62 years!

• And IDVC is the engineering company that's perfectly positioned to reward investors like us with 450% gains over the next few months.

Best Regards,

Stock Aficionado Team

P.S.  No time to read a full report?  Then do this:  Get IDVC today under $1.   The first profit surge days away and the second surge will quickly follow.  Get in early and profit big!

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

RХAС Price Target is 3.20!

RXAС with compelling strategy for growth = $$$ in your pocket

Dear fellow investor,

As global markets emerge from a long, dark winter of economic discontent – market leaders such as Florida's Resource Exchange of America Corporation (RXAС), a globally integrated metals recycling company, are demonstrating their ability to adapt for long-term growth.

Last week, RXAС was traded more than it has ever been before in one week! Not only has trading quadrupled (that's right – 4 times as much) compared to the past four weeks, but with steadily climbing prices to boot.

One reason for this could be the Initiating Coverage Report by independent analyst Awareness Research that was unveiled last week. Revealing that the Target Price for the stock is $3.20 will raise more than just an eyebrow, it will create a flurry of activity from stock hungry investors.

It could also be the news from later last week that RXAС has intensified its focus on the Chinese markets through a Joint Venture with LT Trading. A Joint Venture that – given China's insatiable demand for scrap metal – is sure to increase revenues and profits – and stock price.

RXAС have developed a strategy of vertical integration that aims to capitalize on key markets within the recycling industry, including: asset recovery, maritime salvage, processing yards, brokering and sales. Given that the recycling business has not yet fully recovered from last year's economic downturn, they aim to take full advantage of potential strategic investments at attractively low valuations.

It's a good time to be in the recycling business, as governments push for environmentally-friendly technologies and sustainable industrial alternatives. This demand means the industry should experience strong growth for the foreseeable future. With a wealth of overseas connections, and having recently announced their intention to expand full-time into Chinese markets, RXAС is well-positioned to take full advantage of this global boom in recycled materials.

Ultimately RXAС's clearly defined strategy spells great news for shareholders, with a long-term price target of $3.20 per share. The US scrap industry is expected to rise by some 20% annually for the next five years. Based on these projections, RXAС's unique model of global vertical integration spells a potential growth in revenue of 35% per year. And RXAС has clearly been positioning themselves in the past couple of months to deliver on their revenue projections!

Just as impressive, their profits are projected to jump by 950 % in the same period!

A greener future, then, is also very much a brighter future for the stockholders of RXAС.




The fair market value of RXAС will be $3.20 per share – almost SIX times its presently traded value!

In short – invest $1,000 today, and see that grow to $6,000!

Invest $3,000 today, and see your port grow to $18,000! 

Or invest $10,000 today, and see your fortune EXPLODE to $60,000!

Do your due diligence, and I'll see you on the boards.



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IVDC +37% overnight - told you so - grab it now, before its a buck!

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The Military Construction Boom
Gets a $77.3 Billion Boost
and Your $5,000 Zooms to $37,500

IVDC stock is +37% overnight, told you so! Grab some more before it's a buck!

Dear Profit Seeker,

Infrastructure Developments Corp is an engineering and construction services company that looks to pop 450% to 500% virtually overnight...

... then you could see a hefty second surge when word gets out.


Military construction is booming!


• $77.3 billion for military construction - just approved by the House

• That's on top of the $5.9 billion military construction got from the 2009 stimulus bill

• Congressman Chet Edwards (D-Texas) says this is the biggest military construction boom in 62 years!

• And IDVC is the engineering company that's perfectly positioned to reward investors like us with 450% gains over the next few months.

Best Regards,

Stock Affictionado Team

P.S.  No time to read a full report?  Then do this:  Buy IDVC today under $1.   The first profit surge days away and the second surge will quickly follow.  Get in early and profit big!

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©2010 GBS Alerts, PO Box 64, Gibraltar At GBS we value your privacy, if you believe that you have received this email by mistake please modify your subscription options.


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Monday, October 4, 2010

Urgent Alert - ІDVС - Our New Mega Bagger Play- Must Read

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The Pentagon Spends and You Make a Fortune!

Your $5,000 zooms to $37,500...
and then the real
surge kicks in!

Dear Profit Seeker,

 Military construction is booming!

 $77.3 billion for military construction -- just approved by the House

 That's on top of the $5.9 billion military construction got from the 2009 stimulus bill

 Congressman Chet Edwards (D-Texas) says this is the biggest military construction boom in 62 years!

 And I've uncovered the engineering company that's perfectly positioned to reward investors like us with 450% gains over the next few months.

Infrastructure Developments Corp (ІDVС) is an immediate buy.

ІDVС looks to pop 450% to 500% virtually overnight...

... then it could give you a hefty second surge when word gets out.

    ІDVС is an engineering and construction company designing and building military infrastructure projects that require world-class expertise, but are too small to attract giant firms.  

And business is booming for two reasons:

1.  The vast majority of military construction projects are under $10 million and the giants ignore them because they are too small

2.  Small-job money gets spent fast!

Fastest, safest 450%  profit you'll ever see

    No strings.  If you're looking to make big money on stocks without taking a whole lot of risk (and who isn't?), then do NOT -- repeat -- do NOT miss out on ІDVС.  Ignore this moneymaking opportunity and you'll be kicking yourself for months.

P.S. Buy ІDVС today under $1.   The first profit surge days away and the second surge will quickly follow.  Get in early and profit big.. 

There's no stopping this boom

 The new partnership that instantly accelerates ІDVС's contract-bidding success

 Thailand's "Cobra Gold" -- the military operation that escaped media attention but lined the coffers of ІDVС

 Cambodia's "Angkor Sentinel" exercises -- taking place on the new training facilities designed and built by ІDVС

 How the Department of Defense plans to spend that newly approved $77.3 billion, and what the spending surge means to those invested in ІDVС.

 The military build up in Guam, and how the Department of Defense will be spending $566 million in 2011 for 12 military construction projects 

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Webcam software identifies movement, triggers alarm, captures snapshots, records video, and sends captured images by e-mail

Web camera software identifies motion, triggers alarm, captures snapshots, records video, and sends captured images by e-mailWebcams are usefull for more than just making internet communications more practical. They can in addition be an enormously valuable tool for use in home or corporation protection. Application is now accessible that can detect motion and use it as a trigger for several events.
The way that it works is to analyze the image sent by a webcam that is either connected using USB or via a video capture device for motion. Once it picks up that motion, it can therefore acquire any number of actions, including triggering an alarm.
A more popular application, though, is to either send live shots of what is happening in the picture that is covered by the webcam or to even broadcast by online broadcasting precisely what is happening with both audio and picture. If installed covertly, this software could even be used for covert surveillance.
Given the large amount of systems that either have a webcam connected or can support one, this is an excellent way to inexpensively and effortlessly defend the spot around that property from invasion or robbery.

I'm using web camera application. I can webcast Internet video to view my home from anyplace.

Web camera software detects activity, sounds siren, captures snapshots, records video, and sends captured images by email With my new webcamera software, I can run a broadcasting webcast of my apartment viewable online. This opens up a number of possibilities, the surface of which has not even been scratched in today's world. I can use this broadcast for surveillance purposes, allowing me to watch what's going on in my home at any moment from a remote watching pc.
As long as I have the webcam running and a remote station with Online access, I can watch the apartment. With the application and the camera, I can change the settings to capture video, sense motion (if I don't want to keep the camera running at all times), or use a mixture of a live feed and recorded video to implement a security system that takes full benefit of recent technology.
With a capture card, I can easily move appropriate video and screenshots to use on any station.
With delicate data on my pc and expensive belongings in my apartment, it only makes sense to have a security setup that I can monitor whenever I feel that my privacy is being compromised. If I owned a small business or lived with roommates, I couldn't imagine living without it.

New professional protection application works with any camera, Internet cameras, and major capture cards.

Web camera software identifies motion, sounds siren, captures images, records video, and sends captured images by email Surveillance software has become so sophisticated that the typical user who has been busy minding his office instead of pouring over electronics and ip technology articles can be easily overwhelmed when it comes time to install or update his security system.
Luckily, there is new professional surveillance application that simplifies much of the decision making. You don't necessarily have to get rid of a working analog closed circuit TV system in order to update to a broadcasting video that can be watched from any online connected station or 3G phone. Video capture cards can digitally convert the pictures for broadcast. Until yesterday, there had been no real attempts to regulate the new IP cameras; every make and manufacturer functioned a tiny differently. And when you throw web cameras into the merge, using one application to rule them all was unwieldy.
Professional security application is now accessible that will work for any web camera or IP webcam and for most capture cards as well. You can supervise anything your motion sensors are picking up at your home or firm while you can be half a world away. The software itself may not be simple, but it can get life simpler for you.

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