Infrastructure Developments Corp (ІDVС)
Dear Profit Seeker,
Act on this fast because ІDVС looks to pop 450% to 500% virtually overnight...
... then it could give you a hefty second surge when word gets out... because...
There's a multi-billion-dollar boom in military construction going on and it remains a mainstream secret, which is why you've probably never even heard of Infrastructure Developments Corp.
So let me tell you about this blockbuster.
ІDVС is an engineering and construction company designing and building military infrastructure projects that require world-class expertise, but are too small to attract giant firms.
And business is booming!
A "small" project in the military construction sector is still huge.
The work ІDVС has already done for the military include: Building barracks and training facilities, Renovating medical and dining facilities, Installing new electrical distribution systems, Constructing and new water storage facilities, Building new access roads and heliports Installing and testing bullet-proof and anti-ricochet materials and system
The list goes on and on. But because the giants ignore these "small" jobs -- which happen to make up the vast majority of all military construction projects -- ІDVС is ready to rocket up the charts with this boom!
Most military construction jobs are under $10 million
On top of the $77.3 billion just approved (more about that in a moment), last year the Department of Defense was handed $5.9 billion for military construction. And most all that money is for small contracts, under $10 million.
Engineering News Record points out of the $2.3 billion dedicated for new military construction and family housing, the vast majority of the projects are under $10 million.
Another $3.4 billion in military construction is dedicated to modernization projects, with a special focus on green initiatives. The majority of those projects are valued at under $1 million.
And small-job money is spent fast. In fact, out of its 2011 budget, the DOD plans to spend money as quickly as possible in the following areas:
$4.2 billion to improve, repair, and modernize DOD facilities, including energy-related improvements
$1.3 billion for military hospital construction
$240 million in military construction for child development centers
$100 million in military construction for warrior transition complexes
$535 million for other military construction projects, including housing for troops and their families, energy conservation, and National Guard facilities
Fastest, safest 450% profit you'll ever see
Put ІDVС in your portfolio and you can stop worrying about events that rattle markets.
Depressing housing reports, unemployment data, devastating oil spoils... forget all that. Military construction is a world of is own. And Infrastructure Developments knows this world. Let nothing keep you from this rare and quite spectacular moneymaking opportunity. If you do, you'll be kicking yourself in pants for months.
Buy ІDVС today, under $1.Act now because share price is set to jump to its 52-week high of $3 within a few weeks. As I write, a basic $10,000 investment gives you about 17,000 shares.
Hold those shares for 15 days or so and you could, in that short time, have $40,000 you don't have now. Take your $40,000 and spend it any way you wish. Or hold on for the second surge and collect $68,000... all from your initial $10,000 investment.
Those are my conservative estimates. You might make more, or less. But one thing's for sure.
There's no stopping this boom
ІDVС management fully understands the complex requirements of government contracts, not to mention the unusual challenges military construction present. I'll introduce management to you in a moment. Landing new lucrative contracts is key, of course, and ІDVС is on the inside track -- because Infrastructure Developments Corp has already proven itself to the military.
ІDVС's construction of the US Navy's Close Quarters Battle (CQB) Training Facility in Thailand has everyone involved happy ІDVС's US Navy Global Peace Operations Initiative Training Facilities in Cambodia -- now ready to accommodate 23 nations in the month-long "Angkor Sentinel" training exercise -- is drawing rave reviews And now, ІDVС's experience and successful track record means a fresh new river of revenue could flood into the company as untold billions will be spent building bases, barracks, and training grounds worldwide.
Congressman Chet Edwards, chairman of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Military Construction, says it's the biggest boom in military construction since 1948!
Suddenly, the boom is $77.3 billion louder!
Mr. Edwards' House Appropriations Subcommittee on Military Construction just approved a $77.3 billion bill for 2011. Imagine the profits coming out of:
$18.7 billion for military construction and family housing...
$1.3 billion for additional military infrastructure development in Afghanistan...
$3 billion for new military hospitals... More than $1 billion for child development centers...
$900 million just to accelerate the building of barracks... And let's not forget about the
$5.7 billion in 2011 and $5.4 billion in 2012 for non-recurring maintenance.
All that money and more -- $77.3 billion total -- will keep the military construction boom going for years. And next year, bet the ranch even more money will funnel into military construction.
Sadly, most investors will remain in the dark and miss out on the extraordinary profit opportunities coming our way. But not you!
Good thing, too, because most every other investor knows nothing of this $77.3 billion bill. There's just no controversy attached to it.
First off, the $77.3 billion pales in comparison to the nearly $1 trillion the government doled out for economic stimulus. So the media paid no attention.
Secondly, the DOD expenditure bill gets robust support up and down both sides of the isle because everyone recognizes there's too much at stake... namely our national security, no, make that the entire world's security.
That's why...
This boom will keep booming -- worldwide!
The current build up of US troops in Guam, for instance, just put $566 million in the 2011 DOD budget for 12 new military construction projects.
And of course no one spends like the Pentagon, which everyone knows is spending like crazy in Afghanistan and Iraq, too. But did you hear about...
Thailand's "Cobra Gold"
That's the military's code name for the first multinational training exercise held at the new US Navy's Close Quarter Battle Training Facility (CQB) at Camp Erawan, in Lophuri, Thailand.
Our military is working with the Royal Thai Army and other national armies at this camp, but the important point for us investors is that ІDVС's wholly-own subsidiary...
Designed and built the state-of-the-art three-level Shoot House that allows for both sniper training and live-firing training in a residential setting..
Installed interior bullet protection works for high impact and anti-ricochet materials and systems, including the installation of 500 steel armor plated windows and more than 1,800 square meters of rubber tiles.
Built structures with walls specially reinforced with concrete and steel plates
Tested and obtained certification of the bullet-protection systems Put in electrical systems material and equipment, concealed conduit, public address system, conduit for future CCTV, lighting system, exhaust fans, and weather proof 3-phase bypass switch mounted on a weather-tight system
Performed comprehensive infrastructure survey, including topographic and geotechnical investigations
You can see by that list how specialized military construction gets. And that's considered a "small" job by Pentagon-spending standards.
ІDVС just wrapped up another "small" job for the Global Peace Operations Initiative (GPOI) training facilities in Kampongt Spoe, Cambodia.
The US Navy awarded ІDVС the design-build contract that included:
7 new barracks to house 686 troops 4 open training facilities Renovation of 3 office buildings New dining facility and kitchen Wash facilities and bathrooms New access roads New troop assembly area New electrical distribution system New water storage and distribution system ІDVС remains active in United Arab Emirates, too. There's nothing stopping this company. In fact, ІDVС's just put its massive potential into overdrive.
Partnership ignites even faster growth
Last month, ІDVС opened the doors to higher-level security contracts by signing a strategic partnership agreement with American Security and Operations Group, International (ASOG).
Here's the deal: ASOG is managed by senior security professionals with extensive in-depth experience designing, managing and operating security-related (TOP SECRET, in fact) information programs for US government agencies worldwide.
Security Risk (life-and-death kind) management Vulnerability and threat analyses Medical, chemical, biological blast migation Nuclear security services and technologies Anti-terrorism
ASOG is an ideal partner for ІDVС. Infrastructure Developments CEO Tom Morgan tells us why...
"Due to the heightened security posture both domestically and abroad, an increasing number of higher-security-related construction projects are being developed and funded." Mr. Morgan added...
"Developing a strategic relationship with such a distinguished and accomplished partner such as ASOG will allow Intelspec to competitively bid US Government opportunities that require a high level of security expertise."
What in it for ASOG?
ASOG President John Muzzi and CEO Dr. Orfeo Trombetta tell us they want to expand their business model and benefit from the global exposure ІDVС offers them. Here's what they said about the partnership:
"Our extensive security backgrounds, experience, and willingness to manage small and large jobs, coupled with the global presence of Infrastructure [ІDVС], will increase our worldwide exposure and open new opportunities." Buy ІDVС today and you you'll be in perfect position to blow past all the blockbusters I just listed.
A basic $10,000 investment could leap to $50,000 as ІDVС goes from under $1 to over $3 over the next few weeks.
Then a second surge could bump prices again as the military construction boom grabs Wall Street's attention.
ІDVС does specialized business in the most stable, safest, strongest sector on earth: military construction.
And military construction is booming!
Billions of dollars are already flowing for projects priced in
ІDVС's sweet spot: under $10 million.
ІDVС's new partnership with ASOG instantly expands the company's primary market.
And management is top notch!
Let's meet the ІDVС management team. These are the fellows ready to make you rich, staring with the Infrastructure
Developments' CEO, Tom Morgan. Tom Morgan is a specialists in project management in multicultural environments. With extensive experience in Afghanistan, Iraq, Africa and other high-threat area operations, he has earned the respect and trust of our military.
When he was a field engineer for the US State Department's Diplomatic Communications Service, he became expert in critical-security situations. He received law enforcement and counter-terrorism training and knows firsthand what military construction requires.
With responsibility for project budgets exceeding $50 million, he has proven remarkably innovative in efficiency and effectiveness -- in some of the most challenging environments on earth.
Darren Smith, is ІDVС's VP for Project Management. Over the last 15 years, Darren has handled construction and environmental projects all over the world, including Japan, Okinawa, Guam, and the United States.
He is expert with military-construction projects involving unexploded-ordinance removals and hazardous waste remediation. And he's led projects for sensitive efforts, such as the renovation of the Ministry of Environment Building in Sadr City, the construction of the new Regional Public Safety Academy in Al Kut, and the renovations and construction of 400 schools in the southern districts of Wasset, Muthunna, Thi Qar and Maysan.
Darren is also a whiz at proposal development, including market analysis, procurement cost/project control, budgeting and estimating, contract administration and subcontract administration.
Shawn Teign, IVDC Director, is also a housing lobbyist at US local, state and federal levels. He sits on various public-sector and corporate boards and is president of an oil and gas company with operations in Texas, Wyoming and Colorado.
Don Wayne Wood, Project Manager, is based in Thailand. He's worked in Afghanistan as well, as a Resident Engineer and Director of Construction. Don's also worked in Kuwait, with the US Army Corps of Engineers. Top-notch all the way!
I've told you about the extraordinary moneymaking opportunity found in ІDVС.
I did this for two reasons.
1. I want you to make money as soon as possible, and ІDVС could reward you with 450% profits in weeks.
2. I hope you'll want more blockbusters from me going forward.
Grab your shares of ІDVС while its under a $1!
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